UC UK Chats

UC UK Chats was first presented as an event for International Education Week in 2019. The inaugural topic followed the prompt "What does being a Global Citizen mean in 2019?" and featured presentations and a Q&A from expert speakers in the UC UK community. This event inspired tremendous engagement and conversation and thus, the UC UK Chats lecture series was born.
These lectures are organized to provoke discussion and address important topics relevant to UC alumni abroad. They aim to inspire alumni, students, faculty, and friends of UC to be better citizens and community members, wherever in the world they are based.
If you have an idea for a talk and would like to be involved in the planning process of the next event, please email alumni@californiahouse.org.uk.
Previous UC UK Chats:
Ukraine Conflict Panel - April 2022
This event provides an opportunity for the UC Alumni UK community to learn and discuss the current status of the conflict in Ukraine and what we might expect in the future for Ukraine, Russia, and the world. Our UC UK Chat panel offers expert insights and considers how we might take action, collectively and individually, in support of those impacted by the Ukrainian crisis.
Speakers: Professor Benjamin J. Cohen (UC Santa Barbara), Professor Georg Michels (UC Riverside), Sonia Slavinski '10 (UC Riverside), Klaus Gomez-Stimeder '21 (UCLA), and moderated by Ryan Chilcote '95 (UC Santa Cruz)
Watch a recording of the event on our YouTube channel.
Perspectives on Immigration in a Post-Trump World: Ali Noorani in Conversation with Nita Nicole Upadhye - May 2021
Immigration in the US and UK, and indeed around the world, is an ongoing, hotly debated topic. In the COVID and post-Trump era, how might we better understand immigration and its impacts? UC UK Chats presents, in collaboration with Berkeley Club of London, a conversation with UC Berkeley alumnus and President & CEO of the National Immigration Forum based in Washington D.C. on the current state of immigration in 2021.
Speakers: Ali Noorani (UC Berkeley) and moderator Nita Nicole Upadhye (UC Irvine)
Watch a recording of the event on our YouTube channel.
Creating Racial Equity in Our Communities - February 2021
This virtual panel event featured UC alumni and faculty who discussed the lessons of the 2020 Black Lives Matter Movement and what must be further done in order to achieve racial equity in the US and globally. This conversation examined the role of the recently-elected Biden-Harris administration, local communities, and the individual to overcome issues of police brutality, unequal representation in higher education, white supremacy, and more.
Panelists: Dr. Jamal Myrick (UC Riverside), Olamide Noah (UC San Diego), Dr. Lorrie Frasure (UCLA), and moderator Edie Lush (UCLA)
Watch a recording of the event on our YouTube channel.
What does it mean to be a Global Citizen in 2019?
As Americans and others living in London, ostensibly we are all global citizens. But what does that really mean and from whose and what perspective? Panelists discussed global citizenship through the lens of history, geography and local community.
Panelists: Professor Cindy Fan (UCLA), sports entrepeneur Nana Badu, Stephanie Ostrich (UC Riverside), and moderator Edie Lush (UCLA)